Let's Keep It Short...

Stephen Van Belkum Eades and Howard Eades fell in love with a semi vacant stand that had a stream running through it back in 1989.
The plan was to build a Holiday home with the thought of eventually moving from Johannesburg to the Coast.

How it all began

After two years of commuting most weekends from Johannesburg the House, Studio and pool was nearly ready. So on the 16th December they did the big move to the Coast and started producing clothing from the Studio,

Stephen who is a Fashion Designer had his own Clothing Factory in Johannesburg and Howard being a Gemologist was involved in the Jewellery Industry in Johannesburg. 

After 4 years the Gardens at Stephward ( STEPHen & HOWARD) had started to take shape and clothing clients suggested it would be great to have a Tea Garden. From there evening dinners…Restaurant and then Weddings. This has been and still is a great adventure!